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FDM Technology
FDM works best with:
  • Windows Vista, or Windows 7
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0 or Firefox 16.0 or greater, Google Chrome 26.0 or greater
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 10.1 or greater
  • JRE: Sun JRE 1.5 or greater
  • SmartCard reader and ActivClient Agent 6.2 

PKI Certificates
  • Download and Install (on the desktop) PKI Root Certificates from http://dodpki.c3pki.chamb.disa.mil
  • Registered User's SmartCard/PKI Certificates - Identity, Encryption, Digital Signature

FDM Certifications
  • The final Approval to Operate (ATO) for FDM 6.0.0 issued by Army Certification Authority (CA) was approved by Designated Accrediting Authority (DAA) on March 31, 2010.

Supported Browsers and Recommended Settings

This website is designed to look best with these Internet
browsers. Other browsers may work as well.
  • Internet Explorer 7.0 and above for Windows
  • Mozilla Firefox version 16.0 for Windows
  • Google Chrome version 26.0 for Windows

Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher

Enable JavaScript
  1. Click Tools and then Internet Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click the Security tab
  3. Select Internet (globe icon)
  4. Set the Security Level for this zone to the default setting to Medium
  5. Click OK

Enable Cookies
  1. Click Tools and then Internet Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click the Privacy tab
  3. Set the Privacy Setting to no higher than Medium High
  4. Click OK

Enable SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
  1. Click Tools and then Internet Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click the Advanced tab
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list of options and check the following options under Security section:
  • Use SSL 3.0
  • Use TLS 1.0 (optional)
  1. Click OK

Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or higher  Top

Enable JavaScript
  1. Click Tools and then Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click Content
  3. Check the following options:
  • Enable JavaScript
  • Enable Java
  1. Click OK

Enable Cookies
  1. Click Tools and then Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click Privacy
  3. Check the following:
  • Accept cookies from sites
  • Accept third-party cookies
  1. Click OK

Enable SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
  1. Click Tools and then Options in your browser toolbar.
  2. Click Advanced
  3. Click the Encryption tab
  4. Check the following:
  • Use SSL 3.0
  • Use TLS 1.0
  1. Click OK

Google Chrome 12.0 or higher  Top

Enable JavaScript
  1. Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Options and then click the Under the Hood tab.
  3. In the Privacy section click Content Settings
  4. Select Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended)

Enable Cookies
  1. Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Options and then click the Under the Hood tab.
  3. In the Privacy section click Content Settings
  4. Select Allow local data to be set (recommended) in the Cookies section.

Enable SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
  1. Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Options and then click the Under the Hood tab.
  3. In the HTTPS/SSL section check the following:
  4. Check for server certificate revocation
  • Use SSL 3.0
  • Use TLS 1.0

Recommended Screen Resolution  Top

We recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels and a minimum of 256 colors.

To change your resolution:

  1. Go to your desktop and right-click on any free space.
  2. Click Properties near the bottom of the menu. The Display Settings box will pop up.
  3. Use the slide bar to adjust your screen resolution to a minimum of 800x600 pixels and then click Okay.

Army Gold Master Top

FDM is fully compliant with the Army Gold Master desktop configuration. AGM VISTA 9.0.0 / Windows 7 10.0.0. Components of the desktop not regulated by AGM may require updating.

SmartCard Readiness  Top

To ensure SmartCard readiness for electronic signature in FDM, please ensure each user's computers (desktop/laptop) meets the following requirements:

Note: The user's computer will automatically register the user's PKI Certificates following the initial insertion of the SmartCard if the requirements above are the met.

Please report any issues so we can address the problem. Please contact the FDM Service Center: (443) 861-8247 or e-mail: usarmy.APG.cecom.mbx.FDMSpt@army.mil.
FDM's technical development team re-tests every release to confirm these recommendations.